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就这样,明天你踏上了生命的另一个旅程,去寻找你的梦想。和你认识了六年,时间不算长亦不算短 ,总之和你的缘分已不是三言两语能说的尽。你是一个非常感性的男生,你对人的一份真诚和热忱,让你的身边都有了一群不可代替的好朋友。如今一别,短则一两年;长则七八年,我的心中真的是万分的不舍~伟权啊!~ 不要哭哦!有缘一定能在相见的!初三的毕业旅行;爱我青年;被你骂的那一个熬夜;这一点一滴的回忆是不会磨灭的! 再见!伟权!当一个有爱心,关心,用心,大学园的心的好医生! 爵夫



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这一次,我又心软了。。 爵夫



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人越往前走,影响他的因素也就越来越来。 所以他们容易迷失了方向。 在这个社会的洪流中,大家都在跟随着大家的脚步, 念幼稚园,小学;完成以后上中学,六年后步入大学,然后出社会工作。 工作以后呢?认识一个伴侣,命定终生,结婚生子。。。。。。 但是,在这个洪流里面的你,是否也要成为其中的一滴水?还是要成为其中的清流? “永远”其实并不是一个假象,虽然有时候它真得太难实现了。但是创造梦想的我们,是否有 这个使命去把这一个“永远”的承诺变永恒,然后完成它? 发现自己!发现自己最与众不同的地方,然后创出属于自己的路! 爱与你同在爵夫



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曾经有个人告诉我:“你活在过去里” 这句话犹如当头棒喝,敲醒了我沉醉已久的心灵。 在活在过去的日子里,我错过了多少的岁月, 浪费了多上的青春,甚至赔上了我的学业。。 但是,我终于醒过来了。 过去的回忆固然美好,因为它们是最纯真,没被污染; “现在”固然糟糕,因为它存在着太多的“未知” 但是没有“现在”,如何得来“过去” 若再以“过去”来评价“现在”,那么不是对“现在”很不公平? 尽管“现在”是多么的不理想,这一刻,还是掌握在我们的掌心中。 何不把每一个“现在”,创造出每一段最美好的“过去”?  爱与你同在爵夫

~Special day.. Or so I thought~

~Special day.. Or so I thought~

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Today, as I thought should be a very special day. But it's just a same normal ordinary day like every day else.The ones that I thought would remember today had simply forgotten it.Oh well, I guess this is it.. That's all for today. And its time for me to really let go the past.Anyway, I've still got to thank

~A memorable day~

~A memorable day~

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It's been awhile since I laugh crazily and feel so light.haven't got this feeling for a period of time, the feeling that makes u feel cheerful and forgets about all the unhappiness in your life.It's like I'm back to the days when I can hang out with my beloved and darling friends, which we can share our thoughts

~Look back,thrust forward~

~Look back,thrust forward~

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Do you ever feel miserable for a duration of time?Do you ever feel that your life is hard?Thats the time you need to look back.Although I'm not really a fan of "the secret"but I agree some with it.Look through your blog posts, your facebook;Even your messenger's history.You'll find out you've got alot of sadness in it..So why keep



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Everybody will get hurt.Sometimes the pain is too big,that you can't even stand it.But soon, with friends and familyYou will recover from itAnd realise that's nothing big.For their love is infinite,and can cure all pain. So next time,When you see someone else in pain,Give them a hug, and give them their time.They need it to grow stronger, and