Your mine; I'm yours.

Your mine; I'm yours.

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Your mine; I'm yours. Image
I'm so gona get you this time! You can't get away with it!MUAHAHAHAHA(evil laugh) Love & PeaceJave

Dreams Coming True Soon.

Dreams Coming True Soon.

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One Day Nearer to My Dreams ^ ^ Love & Peace Jave

Unrevealed Dreams

Unrevealed Dreams

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Have you ever experience this before? You dreamt about something wonderful,fantasy, or maybe,even your real wishes. All of it felt so true as if it was really happening,even moments later when you'd awaken. Sadly, you'll forget about it soon regardless how hard you try to remember it. Perhaps this is the "truth"Things will be gone on their own,You

Best friends forever? Stop Kidding with me.

Best friends forever? Stop Kidding with me.

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We've been known as friend for a long time. Probably longer than anyone could understand. We're tight, maybe tighter than normal couples would do. But, as the pendulum of time swings, the love of a friend fades away. Stop acting as though we're as close as before,Stop acting as though we understand each other the most,Stop those nonsense,



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I'm confused.. What should I do? For all these times i've been telling other ppl what to do and yet now.. here I am.. Confused...I've been inactive for awhile... And I guess its time for me to do some changes. Therefore, not gona have pic for every post.. until I've got myself a camera. ^^..To reply someone who