

undefinedth undefinedundefined
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人定勝天 Image
5月5 歷經了50多年了,人民活在痛苦之中; 國陣的霸權;官僚的腐敗。 經過一次又一次的失望與重生, 今年,會是馬來西亞最黑暗的一年, 最骯臟的選舉, 但是, 黎明來臨的前夕, 天空是最暗的。 我們沒有黑暗騎士, 但我們有憤怒的聲音。 Ubah! Love&Peace Jave



undefinedth undefinedundefined
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Wavery black hair intertwined with brown strands.  She’s of average height but something of her always seems to attract people.  It must be her sparkling eyes unlike the ordinary girls who wear contact lens to make your eyes seems bigger but yet losing the touch of the natural sparkle of light.  She, has plenty of the sparkling light,